How will you decorate yours? These attached houses make a fun backdrop for holiday decorations displayed on a tabletop or mantle. Make 'em Sunday in MakerSpace.
Cybersecurity and disinformation experts deny they engaged in censorship, but they did. And now, we have uncovered evidence that the same people who created the Censorship Industrial Complex were behind the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. Blockbuster new report by @galexybrane
When you cook the vegetarian/vegan sausages (red arrow) on the same bbq hotplate as the meat (surrounding the veg ones), they are no longer veg or vegan. "Oh but we separated them from the meat sausages" doesn't cut it. How are people so stupid!?!
Cactus Sky Digital
The path to success is like a winding road with no shortcuts. Keep moving forward, and you'll reach your destination.
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